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John "Jaune" Hanig, LMFT -
Honey Arts Therapy

Honey, don't worry... We could all use a little therapy.

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What is Honey Arts Therapy?

Mental health support designed for the LGBTQ+ community

Through the medicine of arts therapy and the trauma-releasing benefits of EMDR, I am here to guide you to explore emotional pain and mental health conditions (especially depression, anxiety, & post-traumatic stress disorder - PTSD) as calls to action for learning new ways to accept yourself unconditionally by accessing the healing energy with which you were born.


It is normal for traumatic life events (such as near-death experiences, being the victim of violence, or the loss of a loved one) to cause us to become stuck in patterns that prevent us from moving forward. We become frozen, unable to express our emotional pain in order to let go of it; in this way, staying stuck further perpetuates ongoing suffering, like a “snake eating its tail.” It can be even more challenging when we experience the intersecionalities of social oppression and the unique demands that are faced in the lives of transgender & gender non-binary people, as well as queer, gay, bisexual, & pansexual people.


I am here to support you with untangling these patterns in order to reclaim who you are and gain satisfaction with seeing how who you are can glow even brighter in your relationships and community.


No matter what you’ve been through, there is always hope for healing.

A transgender woman holding a phone in a
Cracked Asphalt
Couple Showing Affection

LGBTQ+ people represent some of the most beautiful and inspiring humans on Earth, but being a part of this community does not come without its unique challenges. Click either of the links below to learn more about how I work with the transgender community & queer/gay spectrum.

Ever been curious about whether really bad experiences in the past might be causing pain & distraction in the present? Click here to learn about scientifically proven methods I use to support with healing from past trauma to live with more mental clarity, confidence, & fearlessness.

While conflict is inevitable and can seem like it tears us apart, intimate partnerships have the capacity to help us heal from past unhealthy relationships & to carry us through to the other side of stressful life events. Click here to learn how I work with couples & poly relationships.

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1829 Market St, #204, San Francisco, CA 94103, USA

(415) 756-6880

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